How to add DNSSEC DS record?

This guide is intended for users who are using external DNS servers. If you are using our name servers, you only need to activate DNSSEC or sync, but you do not need to manually add DS records. Editing DS records is only available if you use external name servers.

1. Prepare for adding new DNSSEC DS record

  1. Navigate to the 'My Domains' page
  2. Open domain for which you want to add new DS record
  3. Find DNS management section and select 'Use external DNS servers'
  4. Add your nameservers and click 'Proceed' button

2. Generate DS Record

Once DNSSEC is enabled, you can generate a DS record. The DS record contains important information that links your domain’s DNSSEC-signed zone to the parent zone at your domain registrar. For the generating new DS record access DNSSEC management (Navigate to the DNSSEC management section where the DS record information is provided).

Fill in the DS Record Details:

  1. Key Tag - a short numeric identifier for the DS record.
  2. Algorithm - the algorithm used to generate the DS record.
  3. Digest Type - the hash algorithm used for the DS record.
  4. Digest - the hash of the DNSKEY record(Unique value for every DS record).

Save the changes to ensure the DS record is added to the parent zone. After that your DS record will be visible in the table and you will get the message on the top that DS record is successfully saved. If something went wrong you will also get the message on the top.

How can I view/edit nameservers for domain?

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